Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Caring Love Bird

Love Bird in the first bird ornaments by some to be a symbol of the harmony pairs. Along with the rapid trend of world birds chirping, bird Love Bird made as many birds and bird master race by Kicaumania in the country. This bird is famous for its hilarious and hair colors are very charming. The bird is famous chatty, it is sensitive to high noise around it. Caring bird Love Bird is easy and fun.
1. Easily adaptable, these birds are very easy to adjust to environmental changes. 2. Tailor shouted and fighter. When Love Bird birds heard or seen another kind of bird, the spirit of direct combat raged. 3. Most prone to lust. This bird is very easy to ride lust, many causes that can create increased desire on the birds of this type. Variations feed improper, excessive drying or see other Love Bird bird can quickly raise the level of lust. 4. Easy to tame. Due to the high beradaptasinya ability, it is easy to tame birds to humans. 5. Not easy stress. Bird types are already hundreds of years of breeding by humans. 6. Enjoying a cool environment. These birds are enjoying the cool temperatures. 7. Bird colonies and groups. We recommend that you guard some birds Love Bird in one house. Because if these birds alone, then over time the bird will become stressed.
There are some important things that must be considered in the selection of materials or going on a bird Love Bird
* Beak shape, you should select the form that stemmed half wide, thick, big, long and looks solid. * Big-headed. This marks this bird has a good mental combat. * Body posture, choose materials that posture was a long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose a material that necked and short bodied. You should also choose a wide-chested material. * The wings and legs tucked tightly gripping force, this indicates the material sense. Choose great legs and look dry. Color does not affect mental foot bird. * Agile and a great appetite. These are the traits of a good mentality material. * Containing solid long neck. Indicates that this bird will issue the maximum sound power. * Eyes large and shining clean. Indicates bird has a bright prospect when used as bird race. Because it would be very gacor.
* Mix grains. We can deliver grain that has mixed a lot sold in the market as the main feed. * Fresh vegetables. Bird Love Birds are very fond of fresh vegetables such as: Watercress, Chicory, Young Corn and other vegetables. * Pickles. To meet calcium needs, these birds need extra calcium. Cuttlefish bone can be given to complete the required calcium needs. * Extra Fooding. The sun flower seeds, seed Fumayin, Soya beans, seeds and beans Red Beans Green Beans are very popular with these birds to complement the needs of vitamins, proteins and raise the body temperature and increase metabolism in the body.
Daily care for the bird Love Bird relatively similar to other types of birds chirping, the key to success is the daily maintenance routine and consistent.
Following this pattern daily and Stelan Daily Care for bird Love Bird:
1. 07.00 aerated birds on the patio. 07.30 the bird bath (bath or spray cages, depending on the habits of each bird) 2. Clean the cage daily. Replace or add the feed and drinking water. 3. Provide fresh vegetables or fruits. 4. Drying can be done for 30-60 minutes / day starting at 08:00 to 11:00. During drying, the birds should be grouped in order to see the bird kind. 5. Once dried, winds back diteras bird for 10 minutes, then cage dikerodong. 6. During the day until late afternoon (10:00 to 15:00 hours) at the Masters with a bird sound bird Love Bird Master or another. 7. Hours 15:30 aerated bird back diteras, should be bathed when necessary. 8. Feed Control, Water, Fresh Vegetables. 9. 18.00 Bird dikerodong and sound perdengarkan Master during the recess until the next morning.

* Variation giving fresh vegetables and Extra Fooding key to success in the treatment of bird Love Bird. * Pickles should always be available in the cage. * Pengumbaran at home umbaran do 4 hours per day for 4 days a week. * Give Multivitamins are mixed in drinking water once a week.
If the condition is OVER HANDLING lust
* Frequency of bathing made more frequently, for example, early in the afternoon and evening * The duration of drying was reduced to 15 min / day * Time pengumbaran made more frequent and longer
If the condition HANDLING DROP
* Expand the provision of fresh vegetables and Extra Fooding * Mandi made 2 days only * The duration of drying was increased to 60 min / day
Treatment race is not really much different from daily care. The goal of treatment at this stage is to prepare the bird in order to have the desired level of desire and stamina stable. The key to the successful treatment of race that is familiar with the basic character of each bird.
Following Treatment Patterns and Stelan Competition for bird Love Bird:
1. H-3 before the race, add Grains Extra Fooding bijiannya the feed mixture. 2.
H-2 before the race, the bird should be dried in a maximum of 20 minutes. 3. 1 Hour before the race bushel, give fresh Watercress.
* Instead, from H-6 birds isolated. Do not get to see and hear the sounds of birds Love Bird others.
Post race treatments actually restore function to restore stamina and physical condition of birds.
Following Treatment Patterns and post-race Stelan for bird Love Bird:
1. Care and feeding back to Stelan Stelan Daily. 2. Give multivitamins in drinking water at H +1 after the race. 3. Until H +3 after the race, exposing a maximum of 30 minutes.
Moult (Moulting) or hair loss is a natural cycle of the bird family. Treatment of birds in the moult is a very important thing, because if the wrong treatment at this time will make the bird becomes damaged. During this moult, the metabolism of birds increased by almost 40% from normal. Therefore, birds need good quality nutrition with a greater portion of the normal condition. Avoid bringing the bird with the bird kind, as it will make the process of moult becomes impaired. The impact of this is hormonal imbalance in the body of the bird. The process of moult is also associated with reproductive hormones.
Following treatment patterns during moult:
1. Place the bird in a quiet place, away from human traffic. Should more birds dikerodong conditions. 2. Mandi pretty 1x a week and basking maximum of 30 minutes / day 3. Providing additional food portions given more as indispensable for the formation of new cells and for the growth of new feathers. Example: Add sun flower seeds, Seeds Green Beans, beans Fumayin and vary the delivery of fresh vegetables and fruit. 4. Provide a quality multivitamin that is mixed in water 2x a week. 5. Perform pemasteran. Moult period makes more birds at rest and hear. This is the time to fill out the sound variation in accordance with what we want. Perform pemasteran correctly, adjust the character and the type of sound the sound of birds with bird master....

Minggu, 30 September 2012

eliminate Acne, Former Acne Naturally

How to eliminate Acne - For those of you who give priority to the appearance, of course the problem of acne on the face is certainly very annoying, especially if a lot of acne scars on the left sometimes create a crisis of confidence of sufferers. One thing is for sure an attempt to overcome this disease has much to discuss his start until the scientific method to the traditional, well I want to say here before we figure out a solution to overcome and eliminate acne it helps us to know in advance the causes and types - types of acne that comes over you so that we can prevent it coming back and remove acne scars are left behind.
Causes of Acne1. The blockage layer of dead skin on the infected pores.2. Production of oil by the oil glands that are too excessive.3. Factors descendants / genetic4. Hormonal factors when a child's adolescence (puberty).5. The presence of skin irritation.6. Are experiencing stress.7. Use contraceptives like birth control pills, and others.
Type - Type of Acne1. Classical Acne (Pimples usual)The interface is easy to recognize that small pink bumps or redness. Common causes are stress, hormones and triggering the damp skin to produce oil that becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result of clogged pores due to infection with bacteria.
Prevention And TreatmentUse facial soap that contains benzoyl-peroxide, or sulfur soap to kill the bacteria causing jerawat.Bila the-counter acne medication does not work, go to a dermatologist to get it checked once a prescription acne medication containing vitamin A derivatives such as Retin-A .To reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, use acne medications that contain benzoyl-peroxide.Ointments containing medicines such as antibiotics Garamicyn (can be bought) one of them, can be tried. This ointment can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation swelling too.
2. Stone Acne / Acne CornThe shape is great with a great inflamed bulge, gathered in almost all areas of the face (different from regular acne that there is only one part of the face). Acne is often made penderitanyah kepercaan lost myself.
Prevention And TreatmentIt's useless if you are using medication - over the counter acne medications as it will not be able to handle this type of acne. You should consult a dermatologist to treat it. For cystic acne that only one or two, effective cure is to have acne dermatologist injected with cortisone, which makes acne is cured within 48 hours.
How to Eliminate Former AcneThere are some natural tips below you can try one of them, namely:Method 1: Take a piece of cassava. Peel the skin. Discard the skin. Clean up. Parutkan. Milch to get water. Brush water on your face milking existing acne scars. Do it every day for a week.
Method 2: Mash a few sticks of cinnamon bark and make a powder. Mix with a little water. Brush on acne scars. Do it for a week.
Method 3: Take 10 young leaves Sireh, Clean and creamed mashed. Let cleansed face with lukewarm water and a brush Sireh on the face, especially on the acne scars. Allow approximately half an hour or until dry. Wash your face clean and wipe dry. Do it 3 times a week.
Method 4: Sharpening cinnamon bark and mix with honey bees. Glue on face acne scars every night. The next day, wash with lukewarm water / lukewarm.
Method 5: before showering, banana peels usapkanlah klutuk (rock) that is cooked on the skin. Allow about 10 minutes, as if you're dimasker. After that, rinse with water stale tea, and a new bathroom, or the second way is to smooth the old betel nut, mixed with rose water.
Info - info above in hopefully gathered from various sources can provide results for those of you who are looking for a solution to solve the problem that caused from acne scars.

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Functions and Deficiency of Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B works for beauty care skin to keep it looking clean and radiant. Vitamin B is also able to make you look much younger than age appropriate and prevent the growth of gray in your hair. Vitamin B is important for healthy skin, hair, and eyes. A study says 40% of patients with inflammation of the skin caused by a deficiency of vitamin B.

Vitamin B deficiency
Another impact from a lack of Vitamin B is a condition oily hair, dandruff, dry and flaky skin, chapped lips, poor hair growth, the onset of gray hair, and prone to inflammation in the nose and mouth. Natural food sources that contain lots of vitamin B are whole grain cereals, green vegetables, beans, meat, and yeast.

Role of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Vitamins are very important role in the immune system.

here are some of the content and benefits of vitamin B2
- Helps Absorption of Protein in the Body

One theory is that vitamin B2 may help the absorption of protein in the body. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of the protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.

No less with beans, kecambahnya also have benefits such as:

- Antioxidants contained in it may help slow the aging process and prevent the spread of cancer cells.
- The content of vitamin E was to help increase fertility.
- It is good to keep the acidity of the stomach and facilitate digestion because it is alkaline (basic).
- For beauty, which helps rejuvenate and soften the skin, remove dark spots on the face, acne cure, nourish hair and body slimming.

Regarding the battery:

Regarding the battery:
The batteries used in general is kind of Ni-Cd atupun NiMH type. The advantage using NiMH is, the absence of "memory effect" that arises, if the battery in the content before it is completely discharged (min 0.8 V per battery), this will have a negative impact on battery life, and over time will decrease power bateraipun . NiMH has a weakness, that this kind of battery should always be in charged condition, especially if you want to save for a long time (5, 6, 7 months ... or more), and usually do not have a constant voltage, when the battery is charged / worn. I suggest specifically for helicopters with a minimum capacity of 2000 mAh (usually at least a 7 battery), so that the engine can be more constant. The batteries with the use of a "normal" can last up to 500 times charging. As for charging the battery of the most "safe" is by 0.1 C (C = battery capacity) for 12 samapai 14 hours. Charging with 0.5 C or even 1C and 2C only be done on certain batteries that allow the system "quick-charge".
The batteries we use, we can own raft. The advantage is that we can choose a battery in accordance with the current and desired amount of voltage. For RC flight normally required min 1500mAh battery with 7.2 V while for the RC heli required min 1800mAh 8.4 V.

Neighbor Lithium Batteries (updated on February 2009):

Inevitable that the "Lithium" batteries will be the "favorite" especially for fans of electric-RC models right now, because the smaller size, lighter weight and higher capacity than the battery type NiCd / NiMH. Chemical characteristics of the battery type is very different from the type of batteries that we met before penanganannyapun therefore quite different. I'll try to explain a little bit (especially for beginners rekan2) the type of Lithium batteries is;
There are three types of Lithium batteries now that we know the market:

LiLo type = Maximal 4.1V/cell, and "Cut-Off" level 2.5V/cell, Voltage Level = 3.6/cell
Type lipo = Maximal 4.2V/cell, and "Cut-Off" level 3.0V/cell, Voltage Level = 3.7/cell
Type LiFe = Maximal 3.6V/cell, and "Cut-Off" level 2.0V/cell, Voltage Level = 3.3/cell
The most commonly used for rc-model is a type of lipo (standard in 2009), while "simple" generally only charger available for charging LiPo battery types, except beberpa computerized type charger is one such e-Station BC6 of BANTAM can be used for charging Lithium batteries of the above three. Handling the battery type of lipo in general is to be very careful!!! If we intend just want coba2 it with batteries or do not want the type of charger (coba2 want to use a regular charger), then we should not try to use this type of battery. Flows that are too large can cause the battery to "explode", a short circuit will immediately damage the battery, as well as the voltage is too low (below 3V on the type of lipo) at "discharge". LiPo charging should always use a special charger for Lipo and may not use another charger. Note that if you buy a separate charger with battery, charger whether they will be in the "set" for a wide range of Lithium battery, in this case needs to be set to lipo that the maximum voltage allowed is 4.2V/cel!! Notice at the start of charging, whether the amount of the battery according to the settings on the charger predetermined, (this is very important!). Maybe rekan2 little bit confused about the types of Li battery cables, because of the additional cables besides the positive and negative wires. These cables we call "balance-cable" connected to masing2 cell batteries in each package. Connect always "balance" with a charger cable that has the ability to "balance-charger". It should be noted here that the "balancing" the type of Lithium batteries is actually a necessity, because if there is one faulty cell in the battery pack and is not detected, the condition of the battery to be not optimal and the next charger can damage more batteries (battery pack is also could "explode" even though the charger was set according to the number of cell in one package). So always use the "balancer" if your charger type regular lipo charger (balancer is not integrated in the charger). But I suggest it is better to buy a "balance-charger" just for simplicity (two in one).

Examples of the battery to the charger + battery + charger - battery - charger, and the balance connector.
Some important things to consider when charging:

To always keep an eye on the charging Lithium batteries and the charging process should not be abandoned (eg, charge from evening to morning and we stay asleep). This is because the process of charging Lithium more "sensitive" and should be "controlled".
Always use a mat for a charger that is not flammable, to avoid things that are not desirable.
Should the battery is not in charge than "1C", unless it is allowed by the manufacturer pembuatanya (see longer battery specifications). I am personally happy with 1/2C or 1/4C for extended battery life.
If at the time of charging the battery pack to be "bloated", immediately turn off the charger, put the battery in a safe area (outdoor), wait a few hours (~ 2 hours), then "discharge" the battery (can use light with appropriate voltage, until benar2 lights off) and dispose of the battery pack (not used anymore).
If rc-model airplane that uses Lithium batteries fall, slowly remove the battery from its compartment, check the condition of the battery and let stand a few minutes (~ 20min) before storage. This was done because there may be "short" when the battery hit hard.
Charge the battery of this type always open in the area and quite vents.
Sepeeti same battery model NiCd / NiMH, "C" on Lithium batteries also illustrates the capacity of the battery. If a battery pack has a capacity of 2200 mAh Li, the battery can theoretically provide a capacity of 2200mA for one hour (= 1C) or 4400mA for half an hour (= 2C) ... and so on. Lithium batteries have a limited amount of current that can be generated depending kapasitanya. Lipo therefore be connected in "parallel" to increase the capacity of the battery pack. If we connect 2 cell 2000mAh batteries in parallel, then practically 2C battery capacity (4000mAh) with the same voltage (unchanged). With this condition if we do a "discharge 2C" on the package previously only didapakan 4000mAh, while in parallel we get a 8000mAh pack. With this the Lithium battery pack also use the symbol "SxPx" which means how cel arranged in "series" and how prepared are "parallel". So if we look at indikas "3S4P" and 2100 mAh each cell / battery means there is a 12 cell battery pack with a voltage of 3S (for suckler series is always to determine the amount of battery voltage). If the battery pack has a capacity maximum "discharge" 6C, the nominal battery voltage is 11.1V (3 x 3.7V) and the maximum "discharge" its rate is 50.4Ah (2100mAh x 6 x 4). Note: Voltage levels / standards for lipo voltage is 3.7V.
Radio Transmitter (Transmitter):
Various types of transmitters that can be used for RC models. The far left is the type Tx which is generally only used for RC model car. Please remember, when you're flying RC models, the frequency used should be empty! (Not used by another pilot). "Module" frequency of each transmitter must be exchanged in accordance with the frequency that we want.

Here I am talking specifically for battery-powered model, to the plane, the minimum required 3 channel, while for the heli should be a minimum of 5 channels.
The second channel is required for the following models:

Aircraft: ch1 Speedcontrol, CH2 Rudder, Elevator ch3 (if any extra premium must be added to the CH4 Aeleron, Flap CH5, CH6 Wheels plane .... etc)
Helicopter: ch1 Speedcontrol, CH2 next Steering, Steering ch3 addition, CH4 Tailrotor, of course, that is the option "fixed-pitch". (Recommended for helicopters, using a minimum of five radio channels, so no additional CH5 Collective Pitch).
Before the servo and receiver installed in RC models, it's good to do a "test" first, whether all the parts to function properly. As the picture beside this, servo, receiver and battery connected, and now we try to move the transmitter stick. Servo should move in the direction and movement away from the Tx stick neutral / middle.

Especially for the helicopter should use the radio / transmitter that uses a computer system, so that the revo-mix facilities, dual-rate, servo-trimming, autorotation, Idle-Up (and there are still some options more) can be set up properly. It is important for beginners the option of extra gas & variable pitch so that the helicopters can be easier to "hover". Several major option (because quite a lot and depends on the ability of transmitters), I will explain here.

Dual Rate: the "arm" servo can be set to a specific angle using the extra switch
Servo-Trimming: the "arm" servo can be set to a neutral position with the parameter transmitters
Flaps: aeleron position can be set so that the movement direction (can be used for a "soft-landing" the plane)
Helicopter: (as option aircraft without flaps, plus ...)

Revo-Mix: adjusts the velocity of the main rotor with tail rotor blades, thus helping heli to not spin as "hover"
Autorotation: the ability of the blades to continue rotating when the motor is in an "off" (can were used for "soft" or "emergency" landing).
Idle-Up: the ability to download the "set" motor on "rpm" certain (constant).
Center of Gravity (CG = Point Weight):
Some examples of the blades to "Electric-Heli"
Helicopter main rotor blades, control CG need it before may rotate at high speed. Without setting the correct CG, helicopters will undergo vibration, and control will be very difficult. As for how to control CG is:

Use a ruler who founded, then place one balingnya, and after the "balance" mark. Perform the second propeller, and give a well. And now compare these markers. if it is not the same location (> 1mm), then the location of the outer CG is correct. Attach the sticker on the rotor which is quite into the CG, until just two CG is the same, meaning they have "Dynamic-Balance".
Both propeller and ends in isolation (the "tape"), now the location of the meeting they put on the ruler, not to be biased, if it turns out one of the blades lighter, it is necessary given the sticker on the propeller, right CGnya. Now they also "Static-Balance".
Heli can only fly, if pitch angle has been "set", and dynamic and static balance has been achieved.
Gyro / Autopilot:
I use this Gyro, Futaba FP-G 154
For those who have never used a gyro (absolute for model helicopters), would often wonder, what is the function of the gyro / autopilot this. The truth of the word "autopilot" maybe we can already guess the function, as the automatic controller. For helicopters, then that will be controlled is tailrotor. So in principle, to tailrotor servo controlled by the transmitter (manual), and by the gyro (automatic), with the aim, in order to heli tail (the heli a bit critical ...) can be more stable and only requires a few control only. So, if anyone asks, no gyro also whether we can fly a helicopter, she said yes .... but it will be very difficult to control heli once (imagine a small wind that always blows all the time will affect the stability tailrotor). GYRO How does it work? Naturally not so difficult to understand, but theoretically, there should be little knowledge on the basics of physics (can be reviewed on the style of "precession"). Imagine, we tie a bike tire on one side of the axis, then hanged. So in the absence of spin, the position will be horizontal bicycle tires, now we play with tolerable speed, the bike tire will try to move up to the top in vertical position .... Similarly workings gyro (the mechanic). Quite the little theory .. :-) There are two types of gyro, electronic and mechanical, and parameters can be set in general is:

Sensitivity: sensitivity to motion heli gyro (typically 0 .... 10)
Reverse Switch: if the movement does not match tailrotor servo movement (article helicopter), then. servo can be in reverse
Heading Hold: to stabilize the heli to "middle-stick"
I recommend using an electronic (eg piezo gyro), making it smaller and lighter, and most have a broader function than the mechanical gyro.
Ni-Cd Charger (Tool Battery Charger Ni-Cd):
There are dozens or even hundreds of chargers that we can see in the store, but specifically for the electric model, only the specific charger (special for RC model) should be used. In general, the principle of all charge the same, it can provide a constant current to the voltage adjusted by the load (battery), only for RC battery, charger needs to have extra facilities, so that the battery can be "filled" with full / appropriate capacity. As for some of the common facilities are:

Has the function of "quick-charge", typically 1A-5A (be careful in its use, must be adjusted by the capacity of the battery!!!, Eg for Ni-Cd 2000 mAh charging 4A may not exceed 30 min!)
The existence of the "discharge" (-1V to 0.8 V per celll), before charging the battery, so that the onset of the memory-effect that can reduce the ability of the battery.
The presence system "cut-off" if the battery temperature exceeds the set temperature has been previously (about 45 derajatC)
Have the ability to "doubble-input", both 220V and 12V (car battery)
Auto-stop, if the battery has reached its capacity
The existence of "display", which shows the current and voltage, while it is charging
Have the ability to "voltage-regulator" that allows charging more than 7 cellls.
If the charger has only the "normal" course, it is necessary to control the current to the battery (with a multimeter) at the time of charging, discharging the battery can be done by using a 12V, 20W light motor (notice to remove the lamp, if the voltage per celll been around 0.8 V), and for charging more than 7 cellls, need periodic flows in control, and if the flow is reduced, "charge-time" needs to be extended. A good battery is a must (especially for electric heli), and without the support of a good charger, the ability bateraipun not be optimal.
Storing (Motor Interference):
This is one of the most frequently encountered by the electric modeler, ie interference reception at receiver, so the servo could move (a little or sometimes quite a lot), without any command from the control-stick, we call it "Radio-Interference ". At the time of the e-motor rpm spin speed, "brush" will always emit sparks and frequency, which may interfere with the frequency of the transmitter (hence the receiver should be placed away from the position of the motor), under unfavorable circumstances, the plane / heli not can no longer be controlled, and the result would "crash". How to reduce the interference is to install ceramic capacitor (typically 4.7 nF-100nF), the negative and positive motor to the body. Few could theoretically I explained, that if the body motor TSB. we consider to be ground / minus, the high frequencies emitted by the motor will be "linked-shorted" by the capacitor to ground, meaning they emit will be muted (reduction). Therefore, the installation of capacitors on the motor electric models are a must!!! In addition to reducing storing it, also can be done:

The position receiver mounted as far as possible from the motor
Receiver antennas should not be rolled up, but if it can be stretched
Using extra coil / coil motors special for interference-reduction
Or .... using receiver + transmitter with PCM mode (Puls Code Modulation)
It should be noted in the installation of capacitors to the motor, that location should be as close as possible to the motor (foot Cap. Was cut short as possible!)
The instrument can also be quite petrified when we use a simple battery charger is a "Timer". As described above, we need to shut off the flow, if the battery is fully tersisi to prevent damage to the battery. With a good charger (ie computer-charger) this will be done automatically by the tool (the peak-detector, temp-sensor, etc), but with a simple charger (ie homemade), we need to determine the length of time for charging, so with this timer, power to the charger is turned off according to the time that we set earlier. I recommend using a timer For, if we are charging with a regular charger.
Measurement of voltage or current can be carried by a multimeter. This tool is very important, especially in the process of "charging" and "discharging" batteries. Should we prepare for a "digital" multimeter, to be more accurate reading. Minimum required option on the multimeter are:
AC & DC: 200 mV ~ 400V, DC: 200uA ~ 10A
Measurement "Volt" usually takes us on a process of "discharging" & "Ampere" when "charging"
Regarding the battery:
The batteries used in general is kind of Ni-Cd atupun NiMH type. The advantage using NiMH is, the absence of "memory effect" that arises, if the battery in the content before it is completely discharged (min 0.8 V per battery), this will have a negative impact on battery life, and over time will decrease power bateraipun . NiMH has a weakness, that this kind of battery should always be in charged condition, especially if you want to save for a long time (5, 6, 7 months ... or more), and usually do not have a constant voltage, when the battery is charged / worn. I suggest specifically for helicopters with a minimum capacity of 2000 mAh (usually at least a 7 battery), so that the engine can be more constant. The batteries with the use of a "normal" can last up to 500 times charging. As for charging the battery of the most "safe" is by 0.1 C (C = battery capacity) for 12 samapai 14 hours. Charging with 0.5 C or even 1C and 2C only be done on certain batteries that allow the system "quick-charge".
The batteries we use, we can own raft. The advantage is that we can choose a battery in accordance with the current and desired amount of voltage. For RC flight normally required min 1500mAh battery with 7.2 V while for the RC heli required min 1800mAh 8.4 V.

Neighbor Lithium Batteries (updated on February 2009):

Inevitable that the "Lithium" batteries will be the "favorite" especially for fans of electric-RC models right now, because the smaller size, lighter weight and higher capacity than the battery type NiCd / NiMH. Chemical characteristics of the battery type is very different from the type of batteries that we met before penanganannyapun therefore quite different. I'll try to explain a little bit (especially for beginners rekan2) the type of Lithium batteries is;
There are three types of Lithium batteries now that we know the market:

LiLo type = Maximal 4.1V/cell, and "Cut-Off" level 2.5V/cell, Voltage Level = 3.6/cell
Type lipo = Maximal 4.2V/cell, and "Cut-Off" level 3.0V/cell, Voltage Level = 3.7/cell
Type LiFe = Maximal 3.6V/cell, and "Cut-Off" level 2.0V/cell, Voltage Level = 3.3/cell
The most commonly used for rc-model is a type of lipo (standard in 2009), while "simple" generally only charger available for charging LiPo battery types, except beberpa computerized type charger is one such e-Station BC6 of BANTAM can be used for charging Lithium batteries of the above three. Handling the battery type of lipo in general is to be very careful!!! If we intend just want coba2 it with batteries or do not want the type of charger (coba2 want to use a regular charger), then we should not try to use this type of battery. Flows that are too large can cause the battery to "explode", a short circuit will immediately damage the battery, as well as the voltage is too low (below 3V on the type of lipo) at "discharge". LiPo charging should always use a special charger for Lipo and may not use another charger. Note that if you buy a separate charger with battery, charger whether they will be in the "set" for a wide range of Lithium battery, in this case needs to be set to lipo that the maximum voltage allowed is 4.2V/cel!! Notice at the start of charging, whether the amount of the battery according to the settings on the charger predetermined, (this is very important!). Maybe rekan2 little bit confused about the types of Li battery cables, because of the additional cables besides the positive and negative wires. These cables we call "balance-cable" connected to masing2 cell batteries in each package. Connect always "balance" with a charger cable that has the ability to "balance-charger". It should be noted here that the "balancing" the type of Lithium batteries is actually a necessity, because if there is one faulty cell in the battery pack and is not detected, the condition of the battery to be not optimal and the next charger can damage more batteries (battery pack is also could "explode" even though the charger was set according to the number of cell in one package). So always use the "balancer" if your charger type regular lipo charger (balancer is not integrated in the charger). But I suggest it is better to buy a "balance-charger" just for simplicity (two in one).

Examples of the battery to the charger + battery + charger - battery - charger, and the balance connector.
Some important things to consider when charging:

To always keep an eye on the charging Lithium batteries and the charging process should not be abandoned (eg, charge from evening to morning and we stay asleep). This is because the process of charging Lithium more "sensitive" and should be "controlled".
Always use a mat for a charger that is not flammable, to avoid things that are not desirable.
Should the battery is not in charge than "1C", unless it is allowed by the manufacturer pembuatanya (see longer battery specifications). I am personally happy with 1/2C or 1/4C for extended battery life.
If at the time of charging the battery pack to be "bloated", immediately turn off the charger, put the battery in a safe area (outdoor), wait a few hours (~ 2 hours), then "discharge" the battery (can use light with appropriate voltage, until benar2 lights off) and dispose of the battery pack (not used anymore).
If rc-model airplane that uses Lithium batteries fall, slowly remove the battery from its compartment, check the condition of the battery and let stand a few minutes (~ 20min) before storage. This was done because there may be "short" when the battery hit hard.
Charge the battery of this type always open in the area and quite vents.
Sepeeti same battery model NiCd / NiMH, "C" on Lithium batteries also illustrates the capacity of the battery. If a battery pack has a capacity of 2200 mAh Li, the battery can theoretically provide a capacity of 2200mA for one hour (= 1C) or 4400mA for half an hour (= 2C) ... and so on. Lithium batteries have a limited amount of current that can be generated depending kapasitanya. Lipo therefore be connected in "parallel" to increase the capacity of the battery pack. If we connect 2 cell 2000mAh batteries in parallel, then practically 2C battery capacity (4000mAh) with the same voltage (unchanged). With this condition if we do a "discharge 2C" on the package previously only didapakan 4000mAh, while in parallel we get a 8000mAh pack. With this the Lithium battery pack also use the symbol "SxPx" which means how cel arranged in "series" and how prepared are "parallel". So if we look at indikas "3S4P" and 2100 mAh each cell / battery means there is a 12 cell battery pack with a voltage of 3S (for suckler series is always to determine the amount of battery voltage). If the battery pack has a capacity maximum "discharge" 6C, the nominal battery voltage is 11.1V (3 x 3.7V) and the maximum "discharge" its rate is 50.4Ah (2100mAh x 6 x 4). Note: Voltage levels / standards for lipo voltage is 3.7V.
Radio Transmitter (Transmitter):
Various types of transmitters that can be used for RC models. The far left is the type Tx which is generally only used for RC model car. Please remember, when you're flying RC models, the frequency used should be empty! (Not used by another pilot). "Module" frequency of each transmitter must be exchanged in accordance with the frequency that we want.

Here I am talking specifically for battery-powered model, to the plane, the minimum required 3 channel, while for the heli should be a minimum of 5 channels.
The second channel is required for the following models:

Aircraft: ch1 Speedcontrol, CH2 Rudder, Elevator ch3 (if any extra premium must be added to the CH4 Aeleron, Flap CH5, CH6 Wheels plane .... etc)
Helicopter: ch1 Speedcontrol, CH2 next Steering, Steering ch3 addition, CH4 Tailrotor, of course, that is the option "fixed-pitch". (Recommended for helicopters, using a minimum of five radio channels, so no additional CH5 Collective Pitch).
Before the servo and receiver installed in RC models, it's good to do a "test" first, whether all the parts to function properly. As the picture beside this, servo, receiver and battery connected, and now we try to move the transmitter stick. Servo should move in the direction and movement away from the Tx stick neutral / middle.

Especially for the helicopter should use the radio / transmitter that uses a computer system, so that the revo-mix facilities, dual-rate, servo-trimming, autorotation, Idle-Up (and there are still some options more) can be set up properly. It is important for beginners the option of extra gas & variable pitch so that the helicopters can be easier to "hover". Several major option (because quite a lot and depends on the ability of transmitters), I will explain here.

Dual Rate: the "arm" servo can be set to a specific angle using the extra switch
Servo-Trimming: the "arm" servo can be set to a neutral position with the parameter transmitters
Flaps: aeleron position can be set so that the movement direction (can be used for a "soft-landing" the plane)
Helicopter: (as option aircraft without flaps, plus ...)

Revo-Mix: adjusts the velocity of the main rotor with tail rotor blades, thus helping heli to not spin as "hover"
Autorotation: the ability of the blades to continue rotating when the motor is in an "off" (can were used for "soft" or "emergency" landing).
Idle-Up: the ability to download the "set" motor on "rpm" certain (constant).
Center of Gravity (CG = Point Weight):
Some examples of the blades to "Electric-Heli"
Helicopter main rotor blades, control CG need it before may rotate at high speed. Without setting the correct CG, helicopters will undergo vibration, and control will be very difficult. As for how to control CG is:

Use a ruler who founded, then place one balingnya, and after the "balance" mark. Perform the second propeller, and give a well. And now compare these markers. if it is not the same location (> 1mm), then the location of the outer CG is correct. Attach the sticker on the rotor which is quite into the CG, until just two CG is the same, meaning they have "Dynamic-Balance".
Both propeller and ends in isolation (the "tape"), now the location of the meeting they put on the ruler, not to be biased, if it turns out one of the blades lighter, it is necessary given the sticker on the propeller, right CGnya. Now they also "Static-Balance".
Heli can only fly, if pitch angle has been "set", and dynamic and static balance has been achieved.
Gyro / Autopilot:
I use this Gyro, Futaba FP-G 154
For those who have never used a gyro (absolute for model helicopters), would often wonder, what is the function of the gyro / autopilot this. The truth of the word "autopilot" maybe we can already guess the function, as the automatic controller. For helicopters, then that will be controlled is tailrotor. So in principle, to tailrotor servo controlled by the transmitter (manual), and by the gyro (automatic), with the aim, in order to heli tail (the heli a bit critical ...) can be more stable and only requires a few control only. So, if anyone asks, no gyro also whether we can fly a helicopter, she said yes .... but it will be very difficult to control heli once (imagine a small wind that always blows all the time will affect the stability tailrotor). GYRO How does it work? Naturally not so difficult to understand, but theoretically, there should be little knowledge on the basics of physics (can be reviewed on the style of "precession"). Imagine, we tie a bike tire on one side of the axis, then hanged. So in the absence of spin, the position will be horizontal bicycle tires, now we play with tolerable speed, the bike tire will try to move up to the top in vertical position .... Similarly workings gyro (the mechanic). Quite the little theory .. :-) There are two types of gyro, electronic and mechanical, and parameters can be set in general is:

Sensitivity: sensitivity to motion heli gyro (typically 0 .... 10)
Reverse Switch: if the movement does not match tailrotor servo movement (article helicopter), then. servo can be in reverse
Heading Hold: to stabilize the heli to "middle-stick"
I recommend using an electronic (eg piezo gyro), making it smaller and lighter, and most have a broader function than the mechanical gyro.
Ni-Cd Charger (Tool Battery Charger Ni-Cd):
There are dozens or even hundreds of chargers that we can see in the store, but specifically for the electric model, only the specific charger (special for RC model) should be used. In general, the principle of all charge the same, it can provide a constant current to the voltage adjusted by the load (battery), only for RC battery, charger needs to have extra facilities, so that the battery can be "filled" with full / appropriate capacity. As for some of the common facilities are:

Has the function of "quick-charge", typically 1A-5A (be careful in its use, must be adjusted by the capacity of the battery!!!, Eg for Ni-Cd 2000 mAh charging 4A may not exceed 30 min!)
The existence of the "discharge" (-1V to 0.8 V per celll), before charging the battery, so that the onset of the memory-effect that can reduce the ability of the battery.
The presence system "cut-off" if the battery temperature exceeds the set temperature has been previously (about 45 derajatC)
Have the ability to "doubble-input", both 220V and 12V (car battery)
Auto-stop, if the battery has reached its capacity
The existence of "display", which shows the current and voltage, while it is charging
Have the ability to "voltage-regulator" that allows charging more than 7 cellls.
If the charger has only the "normal" course, it is necessary to control the current to the battery (with a multimeter) at the time of charging, discharging the battery can be done by using a 12V, 20W light motor (notice to remove the lamp, if the voltage per celll been around 0.8 V), and for charging more than 7 cellls, need periodic flows in control, and if the flow is reduced, "charge-time" needs to be extended. A good battery is a must (especially for electric heli), and without the support of a good charger, the ability bateraipun not be optimal.
Storing (Motor Interference):
This is one of the most frequently encountered by the electric modeler, ie interference reception at receiver, so the servo could move (a little or sometimes quite a lot), without any command from the control-stick, we call it "Radio-Interference ". At the time of the e-motor rpm spin speed, "brush" will always emit sparks and frequency, which may interfere with the frequency of the transmitter (hence the receiver should be placed away from the position of the motor), under unfavorable circumstances, the plane / heli not can no longer be controlled, and the result would "crash". How to reduce the interference is to install ceramic capacitor (typically 4.7 nF-100nF), the negative and positive motor to the body. Few could theoretically I explained, that if the body motor TSB. we consider to be ground / minus, the high frequencies emitted by the motor will be "linked-shorted" by the capacitor to ground, meaning they emit will be muted (reduction). Therefore, the installation of capacitors on the motor electric models are a must!!! In addition to reducing storing it, also can be done:

The position receiver mounted as far as possible from the motor
Receiver antennas should not be rolled up, but if it can be stretched
Using extra coil / coil motors special for interference-reduction
Or .... using receiver + transmitter with PCM mode (Puls Code Modulation)
It should be noted in the installation of capacitors to the motor, that location should be as close as possible to the motor (foot Cap. Was cut short as possible!)
The instrument can also be quite petrified when we use a simple battery charger is a "Timer". As described above, we need to shut off the flow, if the battery is fully tersisi to prevent damage to the battery. With a good charger (ie computer-charger) this will be done automatically by the tool (the peak-detector, temp-sensor, etc), but with a simple charger (ie homemade), we need to determine the length of time for charging, so with this timer, power to the charger is turned off according to the time that we set earlier. I recommend using a timer For, if we are charging with a regular charger.
Measurement of voltage or current can be carried by a multimeter. This tool is very important, especially in the process of "charging" and "discharging" batteries. Should we prepare for a "digital" multimeter, to be more accurate reading. Minimum required option on the multimeter are:
AC & DC: 200 mV ~ 400V, DC: 200uA ~ 10A
Measurement "Volt" usually takes us on a process of "discharging" & "Ampere" when "charging"