Jumat, 28 September 2012

Benefits Of Cow's Milk

Cow's milk remains the greatest?. Every 100 grams of milk contains 70.5 kilocalories of heat, as much as 3.4 grams protein, 3.7 grams fat, 125 milligrams of calcium, while the percentage of absorption in the body by 98% - 100%.
In the milk contains vitamin B2 and vitamin A, in addition to protein also contained a variety of amino acids that are essential for body growth. Now, cow's milk labeled as food with full vitamins, as well as "white blood" that helps the health of the human body.
By consuming at least a glass every day, then you will get a lot of milk for the body, such as:

* The content potassiumnya can move the walls of blood vessels so as to keep it stable. So you away from high blood pressure and heart disease.
* The content of iodine, zinc and leticin it can improve the efficiency drastically cerebrum work.
* Iron, copper and vitamin A in milk has the function to beauty, which can maintain the skin to keep it glowing.
* The content of tyrosine in milk can drive excitement and hormones make a person sleep more soundly.
* Calcium milk can increase bone strength, prevent bone menuyusut and fractures.
* The content of magnesium in milk can make the heart and nervous system resistant to fatigue.
* The content of zinc in cow's milk can heal wounds quickly.
* The content of vitamin B2 in milk cows can improve visual acuity.
Whatever your choice of milk, either cow's milk or soy milk, make sure that you mengkonsumnya the sheer number of adequate and fitting. So the benefits of soy milk or cow's milk can actually be felt by the body.
But according to Da Zhong Jian Kang WangPeople who consume a glass of milk every day, at least get 11 different benefits of milk:
1. Milk contains potassium, which can move the walls of blood vessels during high blood pressure to keep it stable, reduce the dangers of apopleksi, also can prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.
2. Can neutralize toxins such as metals, lead and cadmium from other food that is absorbed by the body.
3. Breastfeeding (breast milk) and fat content in it can strengthen the immune function of the nerves, preventing the growth of tumor cells.
4. The content of tyrosine in milk could encourage excitement hormones in the blood serum constituents grown on a large scale.
5. The content of iodine, zinc and leticin can improve the efficiency drastically cerebrum work.
6. Iron, copper and vitamin A in milk has the function to beauty, which can maintain the skin to keep it glowing.
7. Calcium milk can increase bone strength, prevent bone menuyusut and fractures.
8. The content of magnesium in milk can make the heart and nervous system resistant to fatigue.
9. Zinc content of cow's milk can heal wounds quickly.
10. The content of vitamin B2 in milk cows can improve visual acuity.
11. Drink milk before bed can help you sleep.
Here we will discuss the benefits of soy milk, unlike cow's milk that we already know all the benefits for the body, soy milk which we often see around us may be just a few benefits of soy milk that we know. Did you know that it is actually the body's protein needs in a day can be as much as 30% has been met only with 2 cups of soy milk benefits. So if the current milk prices soar, then the soy milk could be an alternative as a replacement.
This is because the composition and benefits of soy milk is similar to cow's milk. Moreover, soy milk very well taken by those who are allergic to cow's milk, that is, people who do not have or lack the enzyme lactase in the digestive tract, so it is not able to digest the lactose in cow's milk.
Nutritional content of soy milk.benefits of soy milk. In general, soy milk has vitamin B2, B2, niacin, pyridoxine, and vitamin B group is high. Other vitamins are contained in considerable numbers are vitamin E and K. Currently on the market there are 2 (two) types of soy milk, liquid and powder. However, soy milk cairlah currently more are made to be traded. Benefits of Milk kedalai can be presented in a pure form, ie without the addition of sugar and fresh taste.
Aroma soy milk is a little unpleasant (bunny flavor) because it can be added to reduce the sugar or flavor like mocha, pandan, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and others. The addition of sugar is usually around 5-7% of the weight of milk. When adding sugar levels by more than 11% can lead to early satiety. Just like cow's milk, soy milk can also be made into sour milk. If sour milk made from cow's milk called yogurt, sour milk from the soy milk called soyghurt.

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